A political substitute for the welfare state where each person resident in a country would receive a guaranteed income unconditionally, sufficient to live at a modest level, so that they don’t have to look for work but keep buying stuff they don’t need.
Re-branded and extended version of the current Welfare program.
FED’s ‘continue kicking the can down the road’ in order to keep the bubble going plan.
Anti-equality sophism.
UBI + Central Bank Digital Currency = Dystopia
(Def) A policy of dependence on a single political party. We see this with welfare programs in Europe, the PTB give a handout, the majority that receive it get so accustomed to the handout that they will never “vote” a party that may remove it regardless of the positives/benefits offered! The EU installed this policy to PIGS (Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain) to counter the populist movement. It worked, the populations will never vote an extreme party into office if it will sacrifice the “handout”! The control works very well. The majority who rise up against the system are “bought… Read more »
Another divide and conquer effort in which socioeconomic/class system fighting is set up.
Since the banking cabal created their govts( as corporations), appointing presidents and set up a ponzi system of debt slavery( taxpayers) the economic slavery has always been there. The UBI is part of their reset following the covID19 hoax..
A socialist concept that Democrats will need a lot of fraudulent votes for their candidates to bring this about.
Total nonsense that will make Inflation run wild without full blown price controls. Oh, and how do you give everybody the same amount of money and expect anything to change. Prices go up and everything remains status quo. They’re trying to destroy what little is left of this country and then cull the herd.
A back door for Communism.
A nuclear bomb for our civilization in which all dirty jobs will disappear.
Why do hard work, or dirty work, when your needs are already met? If companies must pay more to get men to work those jobs, prices will go up, a lot. Many will choose to skip trash collection.
Stinking mountians of rat-infested garbage will result, with diseases that no vaccination will prevent.
That is just one essential cog of civilization that will fail.
Dookie-chasers (plumbers), meat cutters, roofers, and 100s of other jobs will fail to find men to work in them.
A reminder of recent history that Controller General Calonne attempted “conspicuous splendor” in 1780s france, to convince the bankers france had no financial problems, we all know how that worked out.
A utopic concept based on tech video game logic. Just because it works in a video game doesn’t mean it works in real life.
Hyperinflation is coming. Expect shortages, rationing and communist style mass murder.
The U.S.S.R. proved that the disconnect from reality becomes unsustainable.
A kind of idea you see taken seriously at the end of a socialist regime.
A government program which would enable to state to exercise tyrannical control. In a recent book, Universal Basic Income – For and Against (Rational Rise Press, 2019). Antony Sammeroff offers a very able account of this controversy and many other issues connected with the UBI. Sammeroff reminds us, is a government program, and we ought always to view the state as an enemy of liberty. It is precisely the feature of the UBI that its supporters emphasize, its universal coverage, which would enable to state to exercise tyrannical control. Sammeroff says, “Now a Basic Income Guarantee may begin universal, but… Read more »
Proof Socrates was right saying that democracy always ends in tyranny
Neoliberal Leninism.
A bad idea, designed to invigorate and expand Antifa.
You get just enough free money to make you resent that you aren’t getting more.
The beginning of a government social-engineering program where people get paid more or less based on their social credit scores.