Popular Entries

  • NASA’s Perseverance Rover

    A car-sized Mars rover designed to explore the environment on Mars as part of NASA’s Mars mission that carries seven primary payload instruments, including 19 cameras, two microphones, and a mini-helicopter, Ginny the Marscopter. The rover’s goals include identifying ancient […]

    387 Points
  • Titan Submarine

    OceanGate’s DIY submersible craft  made from cheap materials and operated by a game controller, decided to pull a disappearing act with its crew of five while exploring the Titanic wreckage in the Atlantic

    220 Points

    The only innovative government agency (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency) that is responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military.

    156 Points
  • High-Tech Society

    A community of people who is specialized with their members dependent on services and jobs being carried out by others in the community to provide the basic necessities they need.

    259 Points
  • Techno-Fascism

    An advanced fusion of the multinational technology-dominated corporatocracy with the  authoritarian global and surveillance state.

    714 Points
  • Digital Authoritarianism

    A form of  governing system which involves the use of information technology to surveil, repress, and manipulate the populace, endangering human rights and civil liberties, and co-opting and corrupting the foundational principles of democratic and open societies, “including freedom of […]

    262 Points
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